The immediate mode of the Teradata connector supports the SQL execution by the DBC/ SQL partition. Teradata连接器的立即访问模式支持通过DBC/SQL分区执行SQL。
Net. Data, on the other hand, supports only immediate execution, where the prepare is done each time a statement executes. 另一方面,Net.Data仅支持立即执行,在这种情况下每次执行语句时都要准备语句。
Using a debugger you can download software to the target for immediate execution. 你能使用除错器下载软件到机并直接运行。
You still incur some overhead, because EXECUTE IMMEDIATE re-prepares the dynamic string before every execution. 您还承担一些费用,因为EXECUTEIMMEDIATE重新编写的动态字符串前每执行。
A market order is an order for immediate execution at current market prices. 现价订单是指按照当前的市场价格立即执行的订单。
If the immediate execution of a criminal punishable by death is not deemed necessary, a two-year suspension of execution may be pronounced simultaneously with the imposition of the death sentence. 对于应当判处死刑的犯罪分子,如果不是必须立即执行的,可以判处死刑同时宣告缓期二年执行。
I would have preferred immediate execution. 我情愿是一种立即死亡的方式。
This method uses immediate execution, and doesn't store any data during execution. 这个方法使用了即时执行,并且不会在执行的时候保存任何数据。
In its annual work report, the Supreme People's Court last week instructed lower courts to suspend death sentences for two years if an immediate execution is not deemed necessary. 最高人民法院年度工作报告中指出,如果无需即刻执行,各地方法院可将死刑缓刑两年。
Trading orders stating a requirement of immediate execution in full or else cancellation as referred to in the preceding paragraph may be entered during trading hours only. 前项声明须立即全部成交否则取消之买卖申报仅得于交易时间内为之。
( Show Database Window, Show Immediate Window, and Pause Execution) (显示数据库窗口、显示立即窗口以及暂停执行)
The crime committed is extremely serious and the immediate execution of a criminal punishable by death is not deemed necessary regulated in Article 48 of 1997 Criminal Law are two essential conditions for the application of two-year suspension of execution of death penalty set up by legislative officer. 1997年刑法第48条规定的罪行极其严重与不是必须立即执行是立法者为死缓适用设置的两个必要条件。
In view of the death penalty, the problems of oversight, from the death sentence with immediate execution and death sentence suspended for two years monitoring the implementation of monitoring both the angle of a corresponding improvement measures. 针对我国死刑执行监督存在的问题,从死刑立即执行监督和死刑缓期两年执行监督两个角度提出了相应的完善措施。
TestStand, the immediate implementation of the test execution management software platform developed by NI, is used to organize, control and implementation of the automated prototyping, verification or manufacturing test systems. TestStand是NI公司开发的可立即执行的测试执行管理软件平台,用于组织、控制和执行自动化原型设计、验证或制造测试系统。